Best mac settings for fortnite
Best mac settings for fortnite

best mac settings for fortnite

Even pro players like Tfue looked somewhat like a noob right after he changed his keybinds – your brain needs time and practice to adjust properly, and this doesn’t just happen over 10 minutes. In the beginning, your muscle memory will not have adopted yet, and you will make many mistakes when you get into action and the battle gets going. If you are already planning to change your keybinds after a good amount of time, please bear in mind that it requires a good amount of patience. The guide is organized in a way that we will go through one player at a time and explain their keybinds. This guide will be focused on PC players, but if we get a lot of requests we might write an article for Xbox and PlayStation as well.

best mac settings for fortnite

Now we are not saying that these players are the definitive the best builders, but they are chosen because there is a consensus in the competitive community that these players indeed have some very good building skills.

best mac settings for fortnite

In this guide, we will take a look at what keybinds works best for fast and efficient building strategies and edits, based on what pro players who are considered some of the best builders are using. They did this to keep up to par with the growing crowd of competitive Fortnite players who want to become the next big thing. Building is such an important aspect of Fortnite Battle Royale, so it would be silly not to look into your keybinds to see if there is room for improvement. Recently many of the top professional Fortnite players like Myth, Tfue, and SypherPK announced on stream and YouTube that they had changed their Fortnite keybinds. The best Fortnite keybinds, does it really exist? We hope to shed some light on it in this guide.

Best mac settings for fortnite